Kwanzaa gifts look most effective when using the colors that reflect Kwanzaa, namely black, green and red. Working with these colors can create beautifully wrapped gifts.
1 Assemble the items needed to complete the project. These are listed below under "Things You'll Need".
2 Place the gift inside its gift box.
3 Wrap the box in the black paper.
4 Wrap the green paper in a band around the box. Leave an even amount of black box sticking out at each end of the green band. Attach the band to the black wrapped box with tape.
5 Tie the red netting around the middle of the box. Form a huge bow at the top of the box. Whether the box faces sideways or front will depend on how safely the item sits inside the gift box.
6 Complete with the raffia. Tie a lot of raffia around the knotted, gathered part of the red netting bow. Allow the raffia to fall evenly each side across the front of the box.